Judy has been going through a tough time recently. Those of you who know us are aware that Judy found out she has a brain aneurysm and is attempting to have it taken care of. She had a angioplasty performed last Thursday at Harper Hospital in Detroit to place a coil inside the aneurysm. After waiting for 3 emergency procedures that took precedence over her, it was discovered that her aneurysm needs to have a stent implanted along with the coiling. She was told they will reschedule and we went home that night. Judy has had to put her life on hold until this is taken care of. She is ready to get this over with!!! She is getting so much support from her kids, family and friends. Thanks to everyone.
Some goods news .... Today the hospital called and Judy is scheduled to to have the angioplasty repeated on the 25th of March. Lets hope it all gets fixed next week.
The week-end was not going well for Judy until Mark and Polly stopped by on their way home on Sunday afternoon from skiing at Shuss Mountain. A dose of Isabella and Grace were just what she needed. It was a warm afternoon and Isabella spotted her bike still hanging from the garage ceiling and wanted to ride it. Bella has not yet mastered to art of bike riding without training wheels and said she is the only one in her class who cannot ride a bike. Obviously a source of embarrassment for her. She rode with the training wheels until we called her in for dinner. After dinner she asked me if I would teach her to ride without the training wheels. We took them off and with a determined look on her face she hopped on and stated she was going to learn to ride. We worked on how to use the brakes and balancing herself and off we went down the drive. After a few shaky attempts I could tell she was closer than she thought to doing this on her own. It didn't take too much longer and when she realized that I was not holding on to her she rode about 30 feet all by herself. She stopped without falling and turned to me and said " Pa, I have never gone that far on my own before".
Her smile is something I will remember for the rest of my life.
From then on she worked on riding farther and farther by herself. The evening ended when she was riding down the drive, lost control and fell down a slope head first into the trees. We all held our breath until we saw her get up and start laughing. We then knew we had a great ending to the story of Isabella learning to ride her bike.
A Historic Moment in History. The first Ride !!!
Proud to be a Biker Babe !!!
Grandma and Grace gave their approval.