This morning we woke up to the highly predicted snow storm here in Lower Michigan. Seems to have started snowing around 5 AM and it was snowing at almost an inch an hour until 1 this afternoon. Judy and I went out and cleared the driveway and made a couple of tracks in the street so we can drive out in case of an emergency. We plan on staying in all day in front of the fire. It will be an old fashion snow day since the cable TV just went out. What will we ever do without Oprah ? I'm not worried since Judy always has a little list of things I can do around here.

The house is set back a little from the street. Just makes the drive longer to shovel out !!!

I think we eventually got about 11 inches of snow

Now I now what I'll be doing today ... Judy needs her firewood !!!_________________________________________________________________
Mark is in London this week on business and Polly asked us to help her last night by taking Grace to gymnastics while she took Bella to Girl Scouts. Grace is such little bundle of energy at gymnastics. She was running and jumping all over the place, couldn't have cared less if Grandma and Pa were really there. We had such a good time watching her. The only part of the night she had problems with is something they call "The Pit". Just the name alone would strike terror into any little person. This huge hole is filled with soft chunks of foam and all the kids and parents and Pa loved jumping in "The Pit". That is all except Grace.... She kept a safe distance from the edge and could not be convinced that the "Pit" was fun. It was her graduation night and they had a little podium ceremony for each child and presented them with a ribbon and a stamped star on their hand.
Christmas day is fast approaching and we are having part of both our families for dinner.
Grandpa Steve is coming in from Virginia to see Polly, Mark, and the girls. We are looking forward to having him over for Christmas dinner at Camp
1 comment:
Well now I'm just downright jealous. I'll be in Virginia thinking of you all. At least i managed to force Polly to give me your Fondue recipe so I'll feel like I am a little part of ya all!
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