Christmas Eve was spent at my brother Steve's with my Dad and Steve's family. His family includes Steve and his wife Mari. Their children and their spouses. They are Kate and her husband Bryan and their daughter Emily. Steven and his wife Lisa, and Dan and his wife Kelly.
We had a great dinner and opened presents next to the Christmas tree. Emily was the center of attraction. Emily will be 4 years old in March and she is just a doll. She reached for each present as if it was a race and giggled with delight as she opened it. At her age getting toys took preference over clothes every time.

Dan , Steve, Kate, and Steven ..... We are all kids when it comes to presents.

...................Dan and Emily wrapped in a present for Dan ... a Red Wings blanket
Kelly arranging her schedule to use that gift certificate.
Kate just hates to have her picture taken. " Oh Uncle Dave !!!"
Later in the evening we took my Dad home and headed for Mark and Polly's house as we were invited to stay the night and be there when Isabella and Grace opened presents in the morning.

After a quick night's sleep Isabella was standing next to the bed yelling to us that Santa had been there and we had to hurry and open the presents. We met Steve and Grace who were waiting by the tree for everyone else to get up.
Steve let us know that he had already been up with Isabella for at least an hour and was trying to keep her from waking the rest of us as long as he could.
Thank You Steve !!!
After that all Santa broke out. There were presents and then more presents. Paper and ribbon everywhere. The girls were just thrilled with all they received. Toys, books, clothes and socks !!!
Seeing the girls open their presents has become the best part of Christmas and just writing about it makes me smile.
Enjoy the pictures !!!